Saturday, November 28, 2009

Munching on the maze!

It's a heartbreaking sight to see the combine munching down on the 2009 maze that entertained thousands of guests through the summer and fall months.  But even as Farmer Jack was giving orders to harvest the corn maze, the team was already brainstorming ideas for the 2010 Amazing Maize Maze.  Think you got a great idea for a new maze theme?  Let us know!  If we use your idea, you can bet you'll get some complimentary tickets for the 2010 season!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lady Bugs on the Pumpkins

As Mayor of Critter County at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, I must say it is sad to see the season come to a close.  We miss all you human beings already! To give us all fond memories of a great season, we'll be sending you some of our favorite moments captured here at the farm.  Take a look!

Mayor Gilbert Goat

Monday, November 9, 2009

Exhausted at Critter County

Well friends, the end of the season has come here at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm.  The year ended with guests making their way through the maze with flashlights.  The day was gorgeous and the night was beautiful.  After several raining Saturdays, friends from all over came for the last day.  Understandably, the animals in Critter County are exhausted from meeting and greeting all those human beings.  It's time for a well deserved rest!