Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pedro the Prodigal Pig

Recently, Cherry Crest Adventure Farm employees Brian & Megan Waltman were in Jamaica doing mission work.  They received word that Pedro Pig and his gang had moved to the island and had gotten themselves in quite a bit of trouble.  

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Press Conference

NEWS FLASH!  Cherry Crest Adventure Farm owner, Donna Coleman and General Manager, Rudy Kilgore, recently held a very important press conference to address the issue of Pedro Pig and his gang island hopping in the Caribbean.  Check out what they have to say!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pigs Continue Extravagant Vacation

Its hard to believe, but Pedro Pig and his piggy friends continue their extravagant vacation in the Bahamas.  Cherry Crest Adventure Farm owners, Jack and Donna Coleman are outraged at the group's behavior and will be holding a press conference early next week.  Meanwhile, the pigs remaining at Cherry Crest are expressing their own sense of betrayal.  "I just don't get it," says Louie Pig. "We pigs have always been a tight bunch.  So while we are here for weeks up to our noses in snow, they relax by the sea.  The sense of rejection is very deep.  It hurts more than oinks can express."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Captured on Film!

NEWS FLASH!!  Recently a team of investigative reporters captured an incriminating photo that revealed the truth about where some of Cherry Crest's Critter County critters spend their winters.  Although it had long been rumored that some of the critters headed south to escape Lancaster, PA's wintery snows, this photo now proves it!  Critter County's, Pedro Pig, was photographed while relaxing in warm tropical waters.  This photograph has the Cherry Crest Adventure Farm staff in an uproar and has left them secretly wondering, "Why weren't we invited?"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Snowy Slide!

Recently, members from NAFDMA (Networking for Farm Direct Marketing and Agritourism) held their annual conference in Lancaster, PA.  One of the highlights was visiting Cherry Crest Adventure Farm.  And although two feet of snow needed to be plowed to create pathways for the visitors, the staff at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm graciously gave tours, answered questions and served refreshments to all.  A couple of crazy members even decided to give our famous tunnel slide a try and ended up with a shirt full of snow!!  Spring is around the corner so mark your calendar  for May 29th - our kick-off day for Spring Farm Days!  Visit our website at www.cherrycrestadventurefarm.com for more details.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tucked Away for the Winter

What happens to the animals of Critter County during the winter months?  This is a question many people ask.  Rest assured the critters are just fine.  Although their seasonal homes at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm may be covered with snow, the critters are tucked away in the main barn at Cherry Crest where they stay warm and cozy.  Rumor has it that some of the animals, including Mayor Gilbert Goat,  actually take off for a vacation in the south.  We will have to do some private investigating and check into those rumors.  If you see any of the critters sunning themselves on a sandy beach, take a picture and send it our way!  We'll be sure and post them for all to see!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Critter Smiles!

As the hours tick away, counting down to Christmas day, the critters are all smiles!  They know Farmer Jack will give them extra hay and grain, plus some special treats.  Of course once the world is asleep, who knows what kind of celebration they have in Critter County!!!  And what is their Christmas wish?  Peace on the farm and good will towards animals!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Munching on the maze!

It's a heartbreaking sight to see the combine munching down on the 2009 maze that entertained thousands of guests through the summer and fall months.  But even as Farmer Jack was giving orders to harvest the corn maze, the team was already brainstorming ideas for the 2010 Amazing Maize Maze.  Think you got a great idea for a new maze theme?  Let us know!  If we use your idea, you can bet you'll get some complimentary tickets for the 2010 season!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lady Bugs on the Pumpkins

As Mayor of Critter County at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, I must say it is sad to see the season come to a close.  We miss all you human beings already! To give us all fond memories of a great season, we'll be sending you some of our favorite moments captured here at the farm.  Take a look!

Mayor Gilbert Goat

Monday, November 9, 2009

Exhausted at Critter County

Well friends, the end of the season has come here at Cherry Crest Adventure Farm.  The year ended with guests making their way through the maze with flashlights.  The day was gorgeous and the night was beautiful.  After several raining Saturdays, friends from all over came for the last day.  Understandably, the animals in Critter County are exhausted from meeting and greeting all those human beings.  It's time for a well deserved rest!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Splish Splash!

Even the animals at Critter County know how to turn bath time into party time!  Take a look!

Friday, September 25, 2009

A visit with Moonlight

Just to show you how friendly we critters are, take a look at the way we let human beings love on our newborns!  Moonlight loves the attention and kids and adults find her so captivating!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome Triplets - Moonlight, Starlight & Speckle!

As Critter County town secretary, I want to bring you up to date on the name contest we held for our adorable triplet goats. Many, many human beings submitted names on Facebook as well as in person at the farm. The judging was difficult, but the critters agreed on the names submitted by Eden Groff as the winner. Young Eden visited the farm and after watching the triplets she thought of the names Moonlight, because of the one goats face has a white curved shape moon; Starlight, because one of the goats has a star shape on her forehead; and Speckle, because of the splash of speckles across the one goats forehead. See if you can see the markings in the photo. If not, be sure and stop by Cherry Crest Adventure Farm soon to see them for yourself! Congratulations Eden! Eden wins a pass to Cherry Crest and a Cherry Crest Adventure Farm tee shirt!
Sincerely submitted,

Gertie Goat - Town Secretary

Welcome to Critter County

Welcome one and all!  I, Mayor Gilbert Goat, am so glad you decided to join us here at the Cherry Crest Critter County blog!  As Mayor of this wonderful county, you can trust me to bring you the latest breaking news of Critter County.  This is indeed a crazy place and you never know what is going to happen next.  Whether it is the joyful news of a new arrival here at Critter County or the more disturbing news of a tussle between critters . . . you'll know about it.  Check in often for updates, stories, photos, silly jokes and fun contests to win some cool prices!  Of course we want to stay in touch with you too so make sure you comment back and let us know how you are doing! 
 Very sincerely yours,
Mayor Gilbert Goat