Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome Triplets - Moonlight, Starlight & Speckle!

As Critter County town secretary, I want to bring you up to date on the name contest we held for our adorable triplet goats. Many, many human beings submitted names on Facebook as well as in person at the farm. The judging was difficult, but the critters agreed on the names submitted by Eden Groff as the winner. Young Eden visited the farm and after watching the triplets she thought of the names Moonlight, because of the one goats face has a white curved shape moon; Starlight, because one of the goats has a star shape on her forehead; and Speckle, because of the splash of speckles across the one goats forehead. See if you can see the markings in the photo. If not, be sure and stop by Cherry Crest Adventure Farm soon to see them for yourself! Congratulations Eden! Eden wins a pass to Cherry Crest and a Cherry Crest Adventure Farm tee shirt!
Sincerely submitted,

Gertie Goat - Town Secretary

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